Statement of Purpose

This project is an investigation of 5 Martial Arts styles. Self-defense is a major theme in martial arts today and to better understand how different martial arts schools and styles treat self-defense I am going to learn all I can (given time restraints) about each of the five styles. These schools will be chosen from a list of local martial arts studios, and the style will be the one that is taught at that studio. Many studios teach multiple styles, so in this case on of the styles taught there will be analyzed. At the end of the project all the schools I visited will be rated and scored to show in which areas they excel or by contrast, fall short.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Next in Line

I have been trying to get into contact with some other schools for me to visit, and have found a couple who I may be able to go and take some classes at. With these final two schools I would be on my way to finalizing my project. I have already visited 2 other martial arts schools, not including my own, so i have covered three of the 5 martial arts styles I am going to score. I am just waiting for confirmation from these other schools to go and visit their school. Also, I visited the self-defense school to have a better understanding of what pure self-defense is. I have begun the process of scoring each style, and I am finding it very difficult. The reason I am finding it difficult is because I know that all the instructors I have trained under are accomplished martial artists and are all great examples of martial artists. I would hate to make a score that they wouldn't agree with, the only problem is that no one is going to like a lower than amazing score on anything! But I trudge on through anyways, just making sure i stay true to what i have learned about the style.
Mr. Waaler


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing your results! If you get the chance, you may want to check out the White Crane Kung Fu folks down in Mesa--they came and sparred with us a few weeks ago and we had a great time, and their Sifu seemed to be a good example of the White Crane style.

  2. thanks i will definitely look into their school
