Statement of Purpose

This project is an investigation of 5 Martial Arts styles. Self-defense is a major theme in martial arts today and to better understand how different martial arts schools and styles treat self-defense I am going to learn all I can (given time restraints) about each of the five styles. These schools will be chosen from a list of local martial arts studios, and the style will be the one that is taught at that studio. Many studios teach multiple styles, so in this case on of the styles taught there will be analyzed. At the end of the project all the schools I visited will be rated and scored to show in which areas they excel or by contrast, fall short.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bodily Harm

When in a fight your main goal is probably to escape from the situation. In ideal circumstances you can get out of there with out any actual fighting happening - any fighting is risky, almost no matter how good at it you are. But, if you have to fight then remember you should only do as much damage to your opponent as you must to get away from the situation. Prolonging a fight when you can escape is a very dangerous thing to do and can result in you being defeated and mugged etc. The way to end a fight quickly is instead of trying to fight until they are knocked out or dead, you only need to fight until they cannot chase after you or pose a serious threat. For example, if you take out both of their knees, it is unlikely they are going to be able to follow you as you make your escape - and taking out their knees might be easier than knocking them out or such. Also, their are key points on the body where a good hit can really stop your attacker - Groin, eyes, throat, knees and temple. hitting one of these spots effectively will end a fight enough to allow you to get away from the fight. When dealing harm to the body be effective and concise. There is no need to punch someone in the stomach when you can poke their eye, and its more likely they can take a body punch and be fine than take an eye poke and be fine. Collapsing their throat is much easier than trying to grapple them into a choke, so just hit it hard and they will have a hard time breathing. Although this may seem a little gruesome, it is to save yourself or the people who matter to you, and to achieve this goal you must use all tools at your disposal. I sincerely hope you never have to get into a fight but, if you do please don't be afraid to use anything you can to escape.
Mr. Waaler

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