American Kenpo uses self-defense techniques to teach self-defense to beginners. A self-defense technique is a short form like combination of blocks, strikes and kicks. Each technique is designed for use off of a different attack, for example, off of a straight right punch or a left roundhouse punch. This forms the basis of self-defense. Progressing into the higher levels and ranks of American Kenpo the techniques become less and less rigid, allowing for them to be tailored, so they fit any situation or person. The techniques are a way to teach self-defense that makes it easier to conceptualize what moves flow together naturally and what moves work where. After learning as many techniques as it takes to become a high rank it becomes natural to perform certain movements which are what is desired so that in a real situation you have muscle memory to assist you in the heat of the moment. Grandmaster Ed Parker originally designed many techniques, but each generation after him has added to the arsenal of American Kenpo. Knowing many of these techniques myself, I believe that I am in a good position to better understand American Kenpo Self-Defense. Keep Reading!
Mr. Waaler
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