Statement of Purpose

This project is an investigation of 5 Martial Arts styles. Self-defense is a major theme in martial arts today and to better understand how different martial arts schools and styles treat self-defense I am going to learn all I can (given time restraints) about each of the five styles. These schools will be chosen from a list of local martial arts studios, and the style will be the one that is taught at that studio. Many studios teach multiple styles, so in this case on of the styles taught there will be analyzed. At the end of the project all the schools I visited will be rated and scored to show in which areas they excel or by contrast, fall short.

Friday, February 17, 2012

...And possible Death

When measuring the effectiveness of martial arts, it is neccesary to measure the damage that can be inflicted onto the body. So I researched the damage that can be done to crititcal targets on the human body, no doubt there are more than I included, but these are the main target areas. Its surprising how many things can possibly cause death. But, now the damage chart is a page on my blog, check it out!
Mr. Waaler

p.s. a big thank you to everyone who helped me figure out if the damage chart was accurate, and I hope you feel better soon! :)

p.p.s Thats a joke.


  1. I am assuming that you take no responsibility for anyone using these tactics. This is a very informative blog, hopefully I'll never have to use these tactics, but shoudl the occasion arise, I shall be gald to have read this.

  2. Very good point, this blog is a "USE AT YOUR OWN PERIL" and the user assumes all responsibility for any injuries caused by misuse or use of any information found on this blog. I'm glad though that it could be of use.
    Mr. Waaler
